Blog #148 Pursuing Power Daily; Step 11

Blog #148 Pursuing Power Daily; Step 11

How many of us forget to charge our phones or devices daily? We rely on them for everything from business to our most intimate relationships. We know they do not work if they are not powered up. And so, it is with us. Why would I not avail myself the help my Higher Power willingly offers me? The eleventh step in Al-anon says, “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” In that spirit, after working the previous ten steps, I seek daily to be powered up in Him.

Episode #232 Tuesday the Fix; Justin B of Reco12 and Me

Episode #232 Tuesday the Fix; Justin B of Reco12 and Me

Justin B of Speaker Meeting discuss the importance of recognizing various addictions and behavioral challenges, as we look to become as well as we possibly can become. So many of us have challenges beyond our core addiction. As we overcome that core addiction, we must address the other areas where Wellness is needed. If we do not do this, we will continue to be uncomfortable with who we are and that degree of being uncomfortable will lead to a relapse. We will only be uncomfortable for so long before we revert to the thing or behavior that medicates us against feeling badly. Check out today’s podcast and don’t forget to go check out Justin B at

Blog #147 The Musts of Life and Recovery

Blog #147 The Musts of Life and Recovery

Once again, in many aspects of life musts are negotiable and other areas of life they are not. I could give other examples but let’s move on to recovery from addiction. This addiction can either be substance based and or behavioral.

Episode #231 Tuesday the Fix; Learning to Fly

Episode #231 Tuesday the Fix; Learning to Fly

When we first come into recovery we are infants who can barely roll over let alone crawl, stand, or walk. As we move forward in our recovery process and opportunity, we begin to grow a pair of wings which we will use as we learn how to fly. Some will grow a pair of wings and never use them. Others may limit themselves in their flight and or flying experience based on their fear or restrictions that others place on their flying. Learning to fly is about overcoming the perceived laws of aerodynamics and exploring new heights in our personal recovery. If you have not learned how to fly, I invite you to do so. Please let me know what I can do in this area. I wish you well and a happy soaring.