Recovery has taught me how to fly. How about you?

When we first come into recovery we are infants who can barely roll over let alone crawl, stand, or walk. As we move forward in our recovery process and opportunity, we begin to grow a pair of wings which we will use as we learn how to fly. Some will grow a pair of wings and never use them. Others may limit themselves in their flight and or flying experience based on their fear or restrictions that others place on their flying. Learning to fly is about overcoming the perceived laws of aerodynamics and exploring new heights in our personal recovery. If you have not learned how to fly, I invite you to do so. Please let me know what I can do in this area. I wish you well and a happy soaring.

Robert is the Recovery Guy. Getting clean and sober on April 25, 1986 has given me the insight and practical skill set to not only stay sober, but to also re-invent myself to the person I always wanted to become. Showing others how to do this is my life goal.

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