One of the most challenging things we would ever do in recovery is learn how to control in a healthy manner. One of the things that it says in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous is “lack of control, that was our dilemma.”
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #232 Tuesday the Fix; Justin B of Reco12 and Me
Justin B of Speaker Meeting discuss the importance of recognizing various addictions and behavioral challenges, as we look to become as well as we possibly can become. So many of us have challenges beyond our core addiction. As we overcome that core addiction, we must address the other areas where Wellness is needed. If we do not do this, we will continue to be uncomfortable with who we are and that degree of being uncomfortable will lead to a relapse. We will only be uncomfortable for so long before we revert to the thing or behavior that medicates us against feeling badly. Check out today’s podcast and don’t forget to go check out Justin B at
Episode #231 Tuesday the Fix; Learning to Fly
When we first come into recovery we are infants who can barely roll over let alone crawl, stand, or walk. As we move forward in our recovery process and opportunity, we begin to grow a pair of wings which we will use as we learn how to fly. Some will grow a pair of wings and never use them. Others may limit themselves in their flight and or flying experience based on their fear or restrictions that others place on their flying. Learning to fly is about overcoming the perceived laws of aerodynamics and exploring new heights in our personal recovery. If you have not learned how to fly, I invite you to do so. Please let me know what I can do in this area. I wish you well and a happy soaring.
Episode #230 Tuesday the Fix; Happy, Joyous, and Free
As a person who has recovered from the bondage of addiction, I now help others find their way to the same freedom. One of the ways I do that is to live aloud and express a sense of happiness, mixed with joy and a demonstration of freedom. As you will learn in today’s podcast being happy, joyous, and free is foundational in the life of everyone who lives this life of recovery. I hope you feel the same way. If you do not, I hope by the end of this podcast you find yourself moving in that direction. Be blessed and have a wonderful day.
Episode #229 Tuesday the Fix; South Davis Recovery Club
As a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous and a recovery speaker, I have always appreciated the opportunity to share my experience, strength, and my hope. It is through this Ave that I seek to teach and learn at the same time. I learn because I am making sure that my own life is in order, as well as updating myself on recovery information, while teaching individuals things that I have learned along my 36-year journey. Join me in this podcast, as I share that experience, strength, and hope, with those seeking to incorporate the common solution into their lives.
Episode #228 Tuesday the Fix; Reasons to Celebrate
When I was in my addictive condition, I found it exceedingly difficult to celebrate. The more my condition deep and the less I celebrated and eventually I stop celebrating altogether. Coming into recovery I learned that just not drinking and using, while not engaging in the other negative behavior, was the beginning of a new approach to celebrating life. That celebration has continued for over 3 1/2 decades. I learned to celebrate each victory. I learned that celebration was an outward expression to an inward change. Let us look at this word celebration and speak of it in terms of our personal recovery.
Episode #227 Tuesday the Fix; Do Unto Others
According to Wikipedia, The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently.
As a result of this understanding, those of us in personal recovery, realize that to be served we must first serve. In other words, If I want to stay sober, I must be as concerned toward others as I want others to be concerned for me.
Episode #226 Tuesday the Fix; Amends Is More Than Sorry
One of the things built into healthy relationships is making amends. This is universal and something that everyone should keep in mind as we explore a healthy balance in our relationships. If this is true for the average person, how much more is it true for the person who has struggled with addiction and or behavioral challenges.
Episode #225 Tuesday the Fix; Who’s In your 5
Living, interacting and being accountable to these 5 relationships everyday helps give me the direction I need and want. They also serve to give me the personal fulfillment of things I want done for me, but more importantly what I can do for others.
Episode #224 Tuesday the Fix; Bottoms Up
When it comes to recovery the only way to go up is to have first gone down. Addiction is one of the only diseases known to man that will tell you that you do not have it. We call that denial. While we are negotiating the truth from our position of denial, we hit what we call a bottom. Bottoms are two things. First, a bottom is necessary for every person of recovery. Secondly, bottoms are subjective. Have a blessed day and stay well.
February 19 Salt Lake Alano Club
March 4 Podcast
March 26 South Davis County Alano Club
April 21 Other Side of Addiction Podcast
April 24 Triangle Club Pomona CA
Episode #223 Tuesday the Fix; The Silver Bullet
My restoration to sanity was my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical transformation from that mindset. Today I know what to expect when I do certain things. I know what to expect if I behave negatively and I know what to expect when I behave positively. My silver bullet is the answer to all my concerns.
Episode #222 Tuesday the Fix: Promises, Promises
The greatest gift that my recovery has given me is the Promises. I needed to know that the work I was expected to do for my recovery would revolutionize my life. These are the promises as listed in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.