H.O.W. is Honesty, Openminded and Willingness
Page 58 BB of AA; “With all earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start. Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely. Remember that we deal with alcohol -cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us.”
It is far too easy to put things off until tomorrow. Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes. By the time tomorrow gets here it is NOW not tomorrow. So, the only way to accomplish anything is to do it now.
Also, while we still “hold onto our old ideas” we are walking and living in unnecessary pain and often confusion and frustration. The greater risk we take is to relapse. We can try to fool others for a time, but we know the truth.
What is holding us back from today becoming honest, open-minded, and willing? If that sounds like too much accomplish all at once why not approach it as Bill W. approached Step 2 and that was “piece meal”. That is one bite at a time. While you are at it try one of these below suggestions and be honest with yourself to be willing to become open-minded.
- Read the AA Big Book and or other recovery material and begin putting new thoughts in your mind. New always pushes out old.
- Try focusing on one at a time. Make a personal commitment to work on one of the three for at least 5 days straight.
- Listen to what others are sharing at meetings you attend.
- Get a sponsor or use the one you have and ask them how they adopted the concept of H.O.W.
- Speak with others who have recovery success and see what they are doing to accomplish this goal.
- Pray to God as you understand God and ask Him for guidance and direction in this area.
Whatever you do get busy and begin participating in your own recovery.