Years ago, I came across some incredible information that help revolutionize my approach to living. At the time, the I was looking to elevate the most important areas of my life regarding personal, performance and position (the three P’s).
At that time, I was introduced into W. Edwards Deming.
As it turns out, this man was considered to be the father of the “quality movement”. I had never heard this term before and it became very intrigued by the position this individual took regarding adopting particular principles and creating a level of quality in your life. This quality approach would allow me to achieve my elevation in the terms of personal, performance and position.
So, what is quality, and why is it important? Quality is defined as
- Essential character
- inherent feature
- degree of excellence
- distinguishing attribute
It is within this definition of quality that encouraged me to look deeper into this “Quality Movement”. As I searched a deeper into Mr. Deming’s work I found that there were 14 points that he recommended with respect to management. The management that these were designed for was to help the Japanese government revolutionize its approach to management relationships. It was to increase the quality of the workplace and subsequently increase the quality of workmanship that would then lead to more sales and higher profit margin. When I was introduced to these things these points it was in personal development. These 14 points for management can easily be reworked to assist us in our desire to increase our quality of life. What could be more vital than looking into methods designed to improve our management on the personal level. I’m going to include the link to where you can find out more disinformation at the end of this blog. I will list a few of the points that I think are relevant to the quality that I find necessary to incorporate into our lives. We can then improve the areas that we are looking to improve.
- Create consistency of purpose
- Adopt the new philosophy
- Cease dependency
- institute leadership
- drive out fear
- remove barriers
- take action
Again, this is a shortened list of the 14 points and they’re not listed in fullness. I will leave that up to you. I know for me incorporating these things into my life has been foundational in my entire transformation since I was first introduced to these concepts in 1993 up to today weren’t getting ready to celebrate 34 years of continual recovery. I firmly believe that incorporating these points has not only helped ensure my quantity but has completely elevated my quality. If you know much about life you know that we are not the author of life or death. I do not know how long I have to be here. However, I am responsible for what I am while I am here. That is where understanding the quality movement comes into play. I hope this has helped you. As Stephen Covey would say, “this is not an overnight solution or quick fix”. This type of adaptation takes letting go of what I was doing while gravitate to what I ought to do. I wish you a great success in your journey. Please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of service to you.