I’m Robert the recovery guy

Personal Life & Career Coach

Recovery one day at a time with Robert

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Recovery Guy Podcast

As a seasoned and energetic motivational speaker Robert’s uplifting view of the recovered life will encourage you. His topics cover a wide variety of perspectives and resources to help build a better you.

Episode #199- Tuesday The Fix: Letting Go of Needless Suffering

Episode #199- Tuesday The Fix: Letting Go of Needless Suffering

Early on in my sobriety, I had a friend who would not let go of a particular feeling of being wronged. She suffered daily, over the course of 2-3 weeks. Gradually she stopped going to meetings and stopped coming to the Alano Club. I remember learning one Friday night that she was out with some “old playmates”.  I tried to speak with my friend, but she did not want to hear all the reasons she had to be grateful. She seemed to prefer the needless suffering over something out of her control. I finally said to her, “maybe you should go get drunk.” Do you know what? That was the only advice she was willing to take. Fortunately, she came to her senses in a couple of days and was able to make it back to AA. To my knowledge, she is sober to this very day. She was one of the lucky of the lucky ones

Episode #198 -Friday The Checkup – I am Responsible

Episode #198 -Friday The Checkup – I am Responsible

I am Responsible
Responsible is a word that only responsible people want to accept. I know that sounds simplistic in its presentation, and it is meant to be. Those who are irresponsible have made an active choice to not accept what their role is in the things that occur to them. More specifically, in addiction, the individual who is addicted is the person responsible for their addiction. Until I am willing to realize I am my own worst enemy I will not recover. If I do have a period of sobriety, more often than not, it will be shallow and short lived. That has been my experience. You can disagree if you like but that would likely mean you are not being responsible.

Being Positive in a Negative World

Being Positive in a Negative World

As we travel life’s highway and navigate the roads and obstacles along the way one thing remains clear. That one thing is to maintain a degree of positivity. There are so many things in this world that we cannot control. I cannot control how someone treats me, how the world or universe views me or how a situation may turn out without my permission. Because these things are true and could create a degree of negativity the only recourse, I have is to remain positive despite the negativity. I need to take charge of my life.

Help Along the Way

Help Along the Way

Every person who accomplishes something great rarely achieves the result on their own. At time the value of other’s contribution is lost in the moment. Sometimes, we like to think that we had an original idea, which is exceedingly rare. We may have an idea that is piggybacking off something else. Most things original are another version of something that has been previously done. Once we realize that we received help along the way it elevates those who have made a difference in our life. The value of others contributing is expanded in the moment rather than lost. If we lose them in the moment, we do not carry them forward with us and that would be unfortunate.

Episode #197 -Tuesday The Fix – Others are the Key to Sobriety

Episode #197 -Tuesday The Fix – Others are the Key to Sobriety

Today I am in studio with Justin B of Reco12. we are discussing his personal recovery, exchanging recovery ideas, and sharing how individuals can get in touch with him at Reco12.com. Justin is always willing to share his personal story as well as inviting sober people on as guests. Please reach out to him as a listener or a guest applicant. Go to www.reco12.com where you can email Justin from the website.

Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

What makes a bottom so dangerous, outside of all those we have harmed along the way, at some point that bottom is death and there is no coming back from death. It is sad to consider that more people die from addiction than those who recover and become well. The reason for that is most alcoholics and drug addicts die on their way down and hitting their bottom is just a finality to a death that was inevitable. I hope you have hit your bottom and I hope you have seen the need for “Bottoms Up.”

Sober Isn’t Always Sober

Sober Isn’t Always Sober

Let me say, that if marijuana in Its varying forms is medically indicated in prescribed by a clinician and or position then of course a person should use it. I would not want to have knee surgery without adequate pain medication for my recovery, nor would I want to be a cancer patient who could hardly keep down food if marijuana would help me keep that food down or if I have a psychiatric disorder to take a non-narcotic psychotropic drug. This is not what we are talking about though when we talk about California sober.

Episode #194 – Friday The Checkup: No End in Sight

Episode #194 – Friday The Checkup: No End in Sight

I was watching the Masters this last weekend and I heard a commercial regarding the universe and a particular perspective. Lack of power was our dilemma. Outer space is so vast that we don’t know where it starts or where it ends. The same is true in recovery. We might be able to come close to where our addiction began. We might be able to discern the varying degrees of nature versus nurture, but pinpoint where it begins is near impossible.

What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?

 It is my opinion that the one looking to be coached must be so convinced that their current situation is so injurious that if they don’t change their life would be irreparably harmed or they will die. Now that might seem drastic to some, but is it really? If you’re in a position where you would consider a coach, you would likely conclude that doing it by yourself with the methods that you’ve been trying are not effective and would be counterproductive to continue in that direction. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed and cherished

There is nothing more discouraging than waking up each day dreading what the day holds. If that is you, when will you stop allowing the day to dictate that to you. Own the day from the outset and be the master of your own outcome.

We have been created to be a light to others
For many of us being of value to others has always been a desire. I believe that the main reason for a person to be a better version of themselves is to be a greater value to others.
Stop allowing the external pressures to hold back your internal desire to grow and develop.
Stephen Covey stated “Every major scientific breakthrough was a result of a break-with. Let me help you separate, minimize and even destroy the external pressures that have been keeping you from realizing your enormous potential. I have dome this for me and I can guide you to this personal position.
Create a legacy of happiness by living that legacy now.
So often we say “I will do it tomorrow”. In reality tomorrow never comes. It seems to be so easy to procrastinate, but it isn’t. Eventually we pay for putting off to tomorrow what I should be doing today. I can help you get there.
Increase your value to others as you increase your value to you.
People should not be the reason to do anything. Others should be the beneficiary of the things we do for ourselves. People, situations and opportunities come and go throughout our lives. Since this is true, we ought not allow them to be the reason we do or don’t do something. When we live the new life for us regardless of who or what moves in or out of lives we are always maintaining a rewarding life.

About Me

Recovery Guy was born out my own personal recovery. I had become a chronic alcoholic. I began choosing alcohol and drugs on a daily basis when I turned 18. I was so deeply trapped I also became a compulsive gambler, overeater, bulimic, and I was also addicted to pornography. I entered treatment in February 1986. After one brief relapse, I have been clean and sober since April 25, 1986. Along the way the overeating, bulimia, gambling and pornography have left my life. I have learned so much over the years. I went back to college at 39 years old to get my degree in Alcohol/Drugs Studies. I have worked in various treatment models. Along the way I became well. I went “From Broken To Whole.” It is my belief that everyone has this potential. I went from a feeling that if something didn’t change I was going to die to a person of accomplishment. I would love the opportunity to guide you as I was guided. I took advantage of the help offered to me. I have combined that information in proven ways to assist you. Thank you for your time.


“Robert’s content is outstanding. It’s not merely about addiction, but life in general. His recent podcast gave me food for thought. I will be thinking about the “inside-out” scenario for a long time” Jan T.

“Recovery Guy has been part of my recovery for almost 3 years now. I appreciate Robert’s perspective on recovery and how to extract the most out of every day. He has encouraged me to take on daily challenges aggressively and have more major victories”. Angie

“I got to know Robert when we were looking for a speaker for an AA meeting. Since then I have relied on his elevated approach to seeing life, I have decided that I want to pursue and grow the way he has. I want to have his degree of recovery in my life. Robert has been a wonderful influence in my life”. Chaz M

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Understand that a life coach teaches you how to live productively one day at a time. We learn to overcome obstacles and other challenges that would have previously taken you off course and caused to slip back into previous behavior. A coach helps a person of addiction understand that true sobriety is more than the absence of the substance. Being sober is the beginning of sobriety, not sobriety itself. Whether it is overcoming a behavior that is not addiction related or behavior that is associated with alcohol or drugs the goal is the same. One must learn how to live a different way and because of enjoying that lifestyle the person would no longer want to engage in that negative behavior. It really is as simple as that.  A coach is nothing more and nothing less than a conduit/guide for new way of living.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!