Mechanisms of Change. A while back I was blogging on Cognitive Therapy and other approaches to personal recovery and overall wellness. Most addicted people suffer from a cognitive disorder that increases the debilitating effects of their usage. It is often not known if using brought about the cognitive condition or if it was a result of the drinking/using. One thing is for sure – if a person is to experience life-long recovery and increasing wellness they must introduce mechanisms that will promote change. These mechanisms must be processes that have been successful in others while being flexible enough to fit a variety of personalities. They also must be adaptable to evolve as the person evolves. People in recovery do not stay the same.
Per the Australian Psychological Association, Mechanisms of change are defined as the theory-driven reason that change occurs in therapy, or the how or why of therapeutic change. (See the link at the bottom of the blog description)
Let’s define the word mechanism and look for some ways to match the meaning to a practical approach to recovery.
Mechanism: the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomena.
I love everything about this definition. First, it is fundamental or in other words “basic.” Which translates into “achievable.” It secondly refers to it as “processes.” This indicates that it is over time and will likely involve more than mechanism. It then indicates when the mechanism is acted upon a result will occur. I especially appreciate that it leaves room for it being labeled as a “phenomenon.” A phenomenon is a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation.
All this adds up to when a person applies certain mechanisms of change then change predictably occurs and it can be observed as a scientific event that can be documented and verified.
So, what are some of the things one can do to help bring about this type of desired change?
The following statement comes from NPC. I will include their link at the end of this blog. The Mechanisms put in place must have these characteristics.
- it has to be understood
Without the ability to understand the mechanism it will not be easily or properly applied
- it has to feel relevant
Without relevancy, it will not fit the person or the time. If these two components don’t exist, then success is not likely.
- readers have to believe they will be able to apply the information to their own lives.”
Since perception is reality unless the person believes that it can be achieved it likely won’t be. It has been my experience that anything less than 100% that it will work or knowing nothing else has the person is better off suffering more and coming back with that resolve than attempt something doomed to fail.
If change is going to occur, then we must have mechanisms in place and acted upon to help facilitate the desired change. When we combine tested mechanisms with a sincere effort to change then change will occur and cognitive roadblock will be open and a new person can emerge.