As we consider our state of being we must consider our personal perspective and life viewpoint. So many of us have had situations and reasons to be very grieved. One of the challenges that we face is working through grief while finding and focusing on things that bring us joy. Sometimes, we must dig deep to find them. Like everything else, if it is essential and we believe it to be true then we will find it along our way. For those who want to wallow in their negativity and stay in a less than positive life then they will not find it, because they will not look. 

Focusing on things that add to our joy is essential to the well-being in all dimensions of our life. Joyful thoughts will touch the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual quadrants of who we are. 

Joy is defined as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. 

Every major scientific study reveals that focusing on things that bring us joy will Bring and or increase our joy. Per many studies being positive and focusing on the things that bring us joy can result in a 10 to 15% increase in life expectancy. If the median age in the United States is 78 years old, that means simply by being positive and finding things that bring me joy can increase my life to 89-93 years old. Obviously, this is not an absolute predictor of life expectancy, but it does increase our life. think about how powerful this is. Just by choosing to consider the things that bring me joy I live longer. this is not too Discount things such as gender, income, depression, and other health issues. This is simply an indicator of how powerful sharing our thinking two things that bring us joy can be. When we focus on things that do bring us joy the likelihood is any depression we have will be decreased if not completely removed and because of that lack of depression we will likely take better physical care of ourselves. Now, that does not remove the gender or the income factors, but it neutralizes two of them.

One might say, “nothing is good in my life and I have nothing to be grateful for,” To that person I say hold on to your hat because things can and will likely get worse. Since it is clinically documented that a lack of joyful thinking can lead to depression and depression is often linked to physical and mental health then yes, things can likely get worse.

The choice is always our choice to make. For your sake and those who care about you I hope you choose joy. Be blessed and have a great day. 

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Robert is the Recovery Guy. Getting clean and sober on April 25, 1986 has given me the insight and practical skill set to not only stay sober, but to also re-invent myself to the person I always wanted to become. Showing others how to do this is my life goal.

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