The Recovery Guy Blog
Robert shares varied concepts and approaches to understanding behavior that diverts us from our healthy desire to become well. We delve into social and medical aspects.
Blog #152 If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes
The first time I heard this phrase it hit me right in the face. It was so obvious. However, it meant I had to look at myself. Which meant it rubbed against my own pride—creating even more value for the simple phrase. I have said so many times that I never grow when I am comfortable. That is an easy thing to say in retrospect.
Blog #151 Rose Colored Glasses; Living Out My Gratitude and Thankfulness
The discipline comes in being aware of when our thoughts start spinning in the past (which is unchangeable), or when they shift to the future (anxiety over an unknown), or when they start being about someone else’s choices or actions.
Blog #150 Step Twelve; Living in Spiritual Awakening
If you had told me five years ago that my life would look even more confounding on paper than it did currently, that I would be living with serenity and hope, my home would be a safe space for me, my children, and others, I would not have had the capacity to believe that. However, in fact, that is my story. In those 5 years, my son was diagnosed with a rare congenital heart condition. He has had four heart surgeries, three of them as an emergency. I am now a single parent to three teens. Their father is currently battling multiple cancers.
Blog #149 Shame is a Four-Letter Word
Shame is often negatively implied and applied so we tend to shy away from shame instead of understanding the positive impact and influence healthy shame can have
Blog #148 Pursuing Power Daily; Step 11
How many of us forget to charge our phones or devices daily? We rely on them for everything from business to our most intimate relationships. We know they do not work if they are not powered up. And so, it is with us. Why would I not avail myself the help my Higher Power willingly offers me? The eleventh step in Al-anon says, “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” In that spirit, after working the previous ten steps, I seek daily to be powered up in Him.
Blog #147 The Musts of Life and Recovery
Once again, in many aspects of life musts are negotiable and other areas of life they are not. I could give other examples but let’s move on to recovery from addiction. This addiction can either be substance based and or behavioral.
Blog #146 What’s Trust Got To Do With It
I should be more truthful in my objectivity to areas needing to be corrected. Far too often I am willing to negotiate with the truth.
Blog #145 Fear vs Faith
As do many concepts and ideas, things look much easier on paper than they are when we play them out in real life. Moving from fear to living in faith is one of those things. We must do this if we are to become well.
Blog #144 Step Ten; Personal Inventory
Step Ten suggests a daily honest appraisal of ourselves. I am human, and even the most rigorous undertaking of steps 1-9 will still leave me with room for daily and ongoing improvement. I can view this opportunity with resistance or a welcome chance to clean the slate each day.