Healthy relating leads to healthy relationships. Sharing who we are and knowing who others are can produce healthy relationships.
So often we have the fear of “being found out”. Many of us believe that if others knew who we are, where we came from, and what we have done they would not like us. That is not always the truth. The Big Book of AA states “give freely of what you find and join us”.
In order to give freely, we must first take down the walls of personal secrecy and begin to share who we are and not judge what we learn about others. As a word of caution, let me say some things we need to be careful to whom and what we disclose, but for the most part, we should feel free to “share our experience, strength and hope with each other”.
If a mechanic is going to fix my car they need to know a little history of my driving. If my doctor is going to prescribe the right medication, he/she will need to know my symptoms. The same is true with recovery. “We are only as sick as our secrets”.
When we take a positive active interest in others we encourage them to share things about themselves. We can then use what know to encourage them and come to a greater understanding that there are more similarities in us than differences between us. We are then practicing the First Tradition of Recovery. “Our common welfare should come first. Personal recovery depends upon AA/NA unity”.
The healthier our relationships are the more we will be. Because of gravity, water ALWAYS seeks its own level. We do the same thing emotionally and mentally. Since this is true, we must pursue healthy relationships. We know what relationships are healthy based on how they make us and if we see results that are consistent with the path of recovery we have chosen.
Relationships can move me in a direction that can either help me or harm me. The healthier my relationships are the healthier I will become. Who I choose to be with and who I become go hand in hand.
I hope you start or continue to choose relationships that instruct and or encourage you to stay on the path you are on and elevate you to a higher path.
Here are some questions to ask yourself. Self-evaluation can be a good place to start.
What are my top 3 most important relationships? Please write what makes them healthy and make makes them unhealthy?
- Relationship
Healthy aspects
Unhealthy aspects - Relationship
Healthy aspects
Unhealthy aspects - Relationship
Healthy aspects
Unhealthy aspects