Power of Personal Time. As we go down this road of reinventing ourselves reclaiming the things that we lost is a priority. Two of the things that we lost were power and personal time. since our life became so out of control any semblance of power was imagined and even fleeting. When it came to personal time that was something lost on us as well. Even though our disease and behavior balance left us isolated that did not translate into personal time as defined in a healthy way. We became prisoners and we were also the hostage takers. Our entire life revolved around trying to make sense out of something that did not make sense. We became so tired and so lost. Hopefully that tiredness and that sense of loss was what motivated you to seek recovery. Eventually, pain becomes our best friend. The very thing that was our greatest source of discomfort now became the catalyst that would drive us to saying “I cannot live this way any longer.“ When we come into recovery understanding that one of the components is to unraveling the garbage to reveal ourselves. Once we come to that realization then we are ready to begin going down the road of realizing the Power of Personal Time.
Here are some of things that increase because of taking personal time and the empowerment it gives to us
- We become less irritable in common and simple aspects of our lives. Not losing power over things we can’t control gives us more time to focus on that which we can control
- Motivation is increased as a direct result of feeling more motivated by the things that are going well. The sense of lacking accomplishment is a real drain on our personal motivation.
- Stress is reduced because we have increased our personal power by enjoying personal time. We begin to things that make our feel-good feel good.
- Common mistakes of are reduced because we have reduced the amount of stress we had previously operated under.
- Personal time can be so refreshing. We will begin to feel like we have taken our live back. We will even be more enjoyable to be around.
- The priorities of life will get back to more alignment. We will accomplishment more with less effort.
Understanding the Power of Personal Time could encourage us to unpack the concept. Once unpacked we will begin to look for ways to explore and expand our personal time. The more we do this the more power we will realize and the more personal time we will work toward. Power and Personal Time go hand in hand. Their ability to directly affect each other is unmeasurable. I hope you have found this to be true. If you haven’t already traveled down this road, I hope you do so now. To miss out on the Power would be a shame, to not take Personal Time would be missing a vital element of our lives, but to discover them both will satisfy you in ways that will be like nothing else capable. Be blessed and stay well.