Episode #230 Tuesday the Fix; Happy, Joyous, and Free

Episode #230 Tuesday the Fix; Happy, Joyous, and Free

As a person who has recovered from the bondage of addiction, I now help others find their way to the same freedom. One of the ways I do that is to live aloud and express a sense of happiness, mixed with joy and a demonstration of freedom. As you will learn in today’s podcast being happy, joyous, and free is foundational in the life of everyone who lives this life of recovery. I hope you feel the same way. If you do not, I hope by the end of this podcast you find yourself moving in that direction. Be blessed and have a wonderful day.

Blog #145 Fear vs Faith

Blog #145 Fear vs Faith

As do many concepts and ideas, things look much easier on paper than they are when we play them out in real life. Moving from fear to living in faith is one of those things. We must do this if we are to become well.

Episode #229 Tuesday the Fix; South Davis Recovery Club

Episode #229 Tuesday the Fix; South Davis Recovery Club

As a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous and a recovery speaker, I have always appreciated the opportunity to share my experience, strength, and my hope. It is through this Ave that I seek to teach and learn at the same time. I learn because I am making sure that my own life is in order, as well as updating myself on recovery information, while teaching individuals things that I have learned along my 36-year journey. Join me in this podcast, as I share that experience, strength, and hope, with those seeking to incorporate the common solution into their lives.

Blog #144 Step Ten; Personal Inventory

Blog #144 Step Ten; Personal Inventory

Step Ten suggests a daily honest appraisal of ourselves. I am human, and even the most rigorous undertaking of steps 1-9 will still leave me with room for daily and ongoing improvement. I can view this opportunity with resistance or a welcome chance to clean the slate each day.

Episode #228 Tuesday the Fix; Reasons to Celebrate

Episode #228 Tuesday the Fix; Reasons to Celebrate

When I was in my addictive condition, I found it exceedingly difficult to celebrate. The more my condition deep and the less I celebrated and eventually I stop celebrating altogether. Coming into recovery I learned that just not drinking and using, while not engaging in the other negative behavior, was the beginning of a new approach to celebrating life. That celebration has continued for over 3 1/2 decades. I learned to celebrate each victory. I learned that celebration was an outward expression to an inward change. Let us look at this word celebration and speak of it in terms of our personal recovery.