Blog #137 Gratitude

Blog #137 Gratitude

The importance of becoming grateful is far greater than most of us can appreciate especially when we are new to or resisting recovery. In the beginning, we are often too angry, frustrated, or confused to recognize how vital gratitude is in our lives.

Blog #136 Fear vs Faith Part II

Blog #136 Fear vs Faith Part II

Without faith, we would never become who we are designed to become. Faith is fuel to the power that we will need to breakthrough our negative lifestyle into a life of victory and personal accomplishment. One of the things that I have found in my personal journey, is my personal faith serves to encourage others.

Episode #220                                                                  Tuesday the Fix: Solving for Me, God and Others

Episode #220 Tuesday the Fix: Solving for Me, God and Others

When it comes to the plan of recovery and most specifically the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, they are divided into three categories. The first category is me, the second being God and the third category being others. Once we solve and reconcile these three areas, we are on the road to recovery. Everything in our life, both important and non-important, will stem from me, God, and others. If I fail to address any of these with a sense of urgency and completeness.

Blog #135 Step 8: Making Amends is Part of Healing

Blog #135 Step 8: Making Amends is Part of Healing

hose of us who find ourselves in the program of Al-Anon have often lived with either a  distorted, self-righteous view of ourselves—that all the pain suffered was the result of someone else’s choices or behaviors, or the opposite—that some of us have an unwarranted sense of responsibility for our role in the difficulties and pain in our family. Neither is an entirely accurate view of reality. If we were honest with ourselves, even if we had the purest of intentions,  sometimes our reactions to alcoholism hurt those in our lives.