Depression in Recovery

Depression in Recovery

Depression comes in many shapes and sizes and from varying sources. There are many variables when it comes to these sources, but what is universal is what depression does to us.

Episode #200 -Friday The Check Up- Reaching Out

Episode #200 -Friday The Check Up- Reaching Out

Today we are having a conversation with Corey W of 217 recovery. Corey is a great advocate of recovery and wellness and has dedicated his time in recovery to helping others recover as well. Corey has found by sharing his story of hope and wellness he has encouraged others to seek a better way of living. Corey serves his community in various area and is continuing to look for more opportunities
You can reach Corey and his mission by going to

All in the Family

All in the Family

Many years ago, I was introduced through John Bradshaw, Bradshaw on the Family, John introduced me to the term homeostasis. This is an interesting term, and it helps focus on what happens within a family dynamic when you have a person of influence being addicted to a substance and or behavior. Homeostasis is essentially a family trying to keep their psychological balance because of the tension that is elevated in the home because of the person acting out.

Goodbye is Seldom Easy

Goodbye is Seldom Easy

My name is Robert, and I am an alcoholic. My heart goes out to everyone who has ever lost someone near and dear to them. First, I want to encourage anyone who will read and if you are currently experiencing a sense of loss in your life, I grieve with you. I am especially sensitive to anyone who is new or relatively new to a program or path of recovery. If I have learned anything in my years of personal recovery, every person who enters has earned their seat. I have further come to believe that recovery is a program designed for a lifetime.