by Robert Pardon | May 20, 2021 | Posts
I think this is at the heart and soul of what mindset recovery is all about. We need, to the best of our ability, to remove and separate the emotion so we can make the best objective decisions in the forward movement of our lives. Because we are human beings that live, breathe and move in an emotional and spiritual space we cannot negate the emotion and how we conduct our personal life. That is not recommended nor desired, but it should not preclude us from having a rational response to that.
by Suzy | May 19, 2021 | Posts
“We are only as sick as our secrets” is a quote attributed to AA. I promise its validity extends to all areas of wellness and recovery. The fifth step says, “Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” This was the step that’s seemed impossible the first time I read it.
by Robert Pardon | May 18, 2021 | Podcast, The Checkup
On today’s show, I have Charlie from The Way Out Podcast. Charlie and I discuss our personal recovery. We dig deep into our common desire to assist others along the way. I hope you enjoy today’s program. If you want to reach out to Charlie you can do so by emailing him. His email address is You can also find his podcasts on major podcast channels as The Way Out Podcast.
by Robert Pardon | May 14, 2021 | Podcast, The Checkup
Before we adopt or reject a term, let us find out what it means for us and whether it adds to our life. Others may reject it because of their own inadequacies, and they want us co-sign. Do not let others limit who we want to become.
by Robert Pardon | May 13, 2021 | Posts
The Great Exchange has been to most rewarding experience of my life. In the beginning, it was born from desperation. I now practice this theory with the anticipation of joy and happiness that comes from exchanging the negative past for a positive present. When this is successfully accomplished the future is more bright.