by Robert Pardon | Dec 11, 2020 | Podcast, The Checkup
We are amid a miracle. We are a people, who without intervention of a supernatural or spiritual nature, would be dead. Never underestimate how fortunate we are to consider ourselves in recovery and or recovered.
by Robert Pardon | Dec 10, 2020 | Posts
One of the biggest challenges for anyone entering recovery Is the emotional hijacking that has occurred. We have been medicating with behaviors and substance for so long that we shut down so much of what we are feeling. We become afraid of sharing those feelings because of how we may be perceived or received.
by Robert Pardon | Dec 9, 2020 | Posts
I read something this week that said, “why do we only rest in peace, why don’t we live in peace?”
by Robert Pardon | Dec 8, 2020 | Podcast, The Fix
Without the 12 steps of recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous – and any other 12 step group – is merely a fellowship. A fellowship can be why you are motivated to do something but it is not what we do.
by Robert Pardon | Dec 4, 2020 | Podcast, The Checkup
If you do not make a list every day consider starting one today. It will change the way you feel about yourself, others around you, and even the personal situation you are in right now.