Saving is Saving
Sometimes saving others looks a lot like saving yourself. I will never forget reading an Al-Anon piece of literature that said, “My mom saved us when she saved herself.”
Sometimes saving others looks a lot like saving yourself. I will never forget reading an Al-Anon piece of literature that said, “My mom saved us when she saved herself.”
“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”
We can define our progress by the milestones of life.
When we’re in a better place, we can be a better wife, mother, husband, co-worker, or friend, and person at large. Depending upon what your personal access is will determine what you can do in pursuing self-care.
“…does changing my nurturing environment overcome the pre-disposition of nature. If nature is the dominant contributor at what point do I take responsibility for being or not being a particular way?”