by Robert Pardon | Jun 30, 2020 | Podcast, The Fix
Before you and I came to recovery, it was not often or regular that we had reason to celebrate. Even when we did, it was usually short lived. After that, the reality of the direction our addiction was taking us brought us back to earth.
by Robert Pardon | Jun 26, 2020 | Podcast, The Checkup
When we walk in this light and freedom we become convinced that going back is never an option.
by Robert Pardon | Jun 25, 2020 | Posts
This approach is, what I call, The Exchange Theory of Recovery. In this Great Exchange, what we are doing is understanding the need to remove negative past thoughts, experiences or people by exchanging them with something/someone more in line with the positive path we are choosing.
by Robert Pardon | Jun 24, 2020 | Posts
Once we have addressed and overcome the depression we should continue to use the tools that got us to our new healthy position. We should safeguard ourselves from returning to that negative mindset by self-monitoring.
by Robert Pardon | Jun 23, 2020 | Podcast, The Fix
When we accept our need to become well and want to incorporate the Steps to Change we will grow and become the best possible version of ourselves.