Aligned for the Ride

Aligned for the Ride

When I consider personal alignment, I must consider the four dimensions of my life. As a person, I am made up of physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual. As I have four tires on my vehicle I have four areas of life that need attention. Not having all four tires aligned simultaneously causes uneven wear are on the other tires.

What’s Trust Got to Do with It

What’s Trust Got to Do with It

Trust is a foundational requirement for every healthy relationship. Without trust, there is no basis for caring. It is near impossible to have reciprocal care for a person where trust isn’t an essential part of the relationship. The quote “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man” is a line from Hamlet by William Shakespeare and it connects self-truth as a necessary component of being truthful to others.