by Robert Pardon | May 29, 2020 | Podcast, The Checkup
How vital is relating in recovery? It has been the experience of countless others and myself that our quality and even quantity of our recovery stands in the balance of how and to whom we relate in recovery.
by Robert Pardon | May 28, 2020 | Posts
Denial is a characteristic distortion in thinking experienced by people with alcoholism. For decades, people who treat alcoholics, and recovering alcoholics themselves, have puzzled over why alcoholics continue to drink when the link between alcohol and the losses they suffer is so clear. Denial is an integral part of the disease of alcoholism and a major obstacle to recovery.
by Robert Pardon | May 27, 2020 | Posts
As vital as meditation is, it is not, unfortunately, involutary. There is no involutary characterist to it. There is no fire alarm – spiritaul or otherwise – that automatically kicks in when we need it. Meditation only occurs when I decide to meditate. In a way, I wish I was forced to meditate. If I were then I could have averted countless bad decisions and many negative outcomes.
by Robert Pardon | May 26, 2020 | Podcast, The Fix
When it comes to being Wounded No More, I am not saying that we will never be wounded again. That would like saying we cease being human. What I am saying that the wounded feeling does not have to last.
by Robert Pardon | May 22, 2020 | Podcast, The Checkup
Staying healthy is best promoted by continuing to self-examine. We make adjustments and corrections along the way… (but) If this continues unchecked the likelihood of relapse is inevitable.