lifetime recovery

Lifetime Recovery. “Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing and that is not why we are here.”

Mark Twain

Lifetime Recovery. So, how does each compliment the other to make the necessary connection for lifetime recovery to occur? I have always been a dreamer. John Lennon sang “You may say I am dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” However, dreams must have legs to make them go from dreams to reality. This is where the goals come in. Fortunately, for those of us in 12 Step recovery there is a path that are like goals to help us to achieve a recovered condition from where we can maintain and grow our recovery. There are several ways outside of 12 Steps that you can follow of you aren’t part of the 12 Step movement. I recommend Zig Ziglar goal setting or the SMART approach. Each will provide you with a plan that has been proven to work. The 12 Steps of recovery encompasses every person regardless of where they are at when they enter and where they want to go for the remainder of your life. One can’t do the steps ODAAT without an eye on tomorrow. A Lifetime of Recovery is made available to everyone who comes through the doors. Whether you achieve it is 100% up to each person. It is very simple, when a person dies living the clean and sober life it is because they followed the “design for living.” If one relapses and dies in their addiction it is because they did not. I hope you have or will choose the former. No one should have to die from a recoverable disease. The decision has always belonged to us. Be blessed.

Robert is the Recovery Guy. Getting clean and sober on April 25, 1986 has given me the insight and practical skill set to not only stay sober, but to also re-invent myself to the person I always wanted to become. Showing others how to do this is my life goal.

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