If there is anything that I want to help you understand is how we must take responsibility for our addiction, the things we did behind it and our personal recovery over it. Lacking personal responsibility kept me from becoming well when it was sorely indicated. I must now take full responsibility for my addiction and other related behaviors and then make a commitment to myself to become well. Unless I take personalresponsibility, it is always going to be up to someone else or something else to do for me what I should be doing for myself. That is why step one is so necessary. Every succeeding step in recovery offers me the opportunity to take further personal responsibility. As I take each step in recovery, I am getting closer to the type of daily responsibility I must take to sustain the recovery I have been given, to grow in that recovery and have a lifelong opportunity to be in recovery ODAAT for the rest of my life. This is what personal responsibility affords me. I hope you join me on this journey.

Remember, it does not matter where we start it matters where we end up. Since this is about the journey not the destination where I desire to end up is on the successful end of another day. Now, success is a relative term usually defined by the person experiencing their day. Where I end up today will set the stage for where I start tomorrow. Where I start tomorrow will help determine where I end up tomorrow and so on and so on and so on. Never lose sight of where we are at.

Robert is the Recovery Guy. Getting clean and sober on April 25, 1986 has given me the insight and practical skill set to not only stay sober, but to also re-invent myself to the person I always wanted to become. Showing others how to do this is my life goal.

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