The Recovery Guy Blog
Robert shares varied concepts and approaches to understanding behavior that diverts us from our healthy desire to become well. We delve into social and medical aspects.
Daily Affirmation
It is hard to have a positive assertion or a personal affirmation when we are inundated with so much negativity.
The Four Dimensions
As a Person of Recovery and a former obese person I understood how neglecting my body can cause such great present and even future damage. The emotional dimension is often based on who I see in the mirror.
The Four Dimensions
Once I then add the spiritual as an essential influence to my view of me things begin to become even more distorted. Since the spiritual is intangible and therefore can’t see it, the likelihood of that perspective overriding the other three is near impossible.
Meditation is like Breath
As vital as meditation is it is, unfortunately, involuntary. there is no involuntary characteristic to it. there is no spiritual or otherwise fire alarm that automatically kicks in when we need it. meditation only occurs when I decide to meditate.
Building a Positive Self-Image
When I value my skills and talents, respect my own intelligence then I can act on my beliefs and feelings. The key is to feel better about me.
Follow the Path
Therefore, we must set ourselves on a proven path and follow this path as religiously as we drank alcohol and or used drugs. Without this degree of diligence, we will revert to the destructive path that the least resistance brings to us.
Lonely No More
Do you remember when you first came into personal recovery. Do you remember feeling alone, having a feeling of depression, destitute, companionless, solitaire, as if you were standing apart? If you felt this way as so many of us did, then you just described the classic definition of the word lonely
Coming from where we come from, many of us are fortunate to be alive, let alone free and most of us in our right mind. So many of us have had new things added to our life and many have had things restored to our life. Both the new things and the old things restored are beyond our comprehension.
Step 7 “Humbly Asked God To Remove Our Shortcomings”
If the word “humbly” makes you feel uncomfortable, like me, you were messaged to confuse humility with humiliation. If the word “asked” makes you feel uncomfortable, you were likely taught to do everything yourself, to depend on no one