The Recovery Guy Blog

Robert shares varied concepts and approaches to understanding behavior that diverts us from our healthy desire to become well. We delve into social and medical aspects.

To Thine Own Self Be True

To Thine Own Self Be True

As I went further down this path of being true, I realized, despite who I had become, being true to who I was and who I could be was my new true. The reality was I was never anything even though it felt that way.

The Four Dimensions

The Four Dimensions

I understood how neglecting my body can cause such great present and even future damage. The emotional dimension is often based on who I see in the mirror. If who I am seeing is an unhealthy person it is very likely I will have a negative emotional response.

The Great Exchange

The Great Exchange

This approach is, what I call, The Exchange Theory of Recovery. In this Great Exchange, what we are doing is understanding the need to remove negative past thoughts, experiences or people by exchanging them with something/someone more in line with the positive path we are choosing.

Depression in Recovery

Depression in Recovery

Once we have addressed and overcome the depression we should continue to use the tools that got us to our new healthy position. We should safeguard ourselves from returning to that negative mindset by self-monitoring.



We must learn to become grateful or our chance of true long-lasting sobriety will likely not come to us. We need simply to learn to be grateful for the little things and move toward more significant things. As we grow in our recovery then we can begin to appreciate the bigger things as they come to us.

Mechanisms of Change

Mechanisms of Change

It is often not known if using brought about the cognitive condition or if it was a result of the drinking/using. One thing is for sure – if a person is to experience life-long recovery and increasing wellness they must introduce mechanisms that will promote change.

Mastering the Law of Attraction

Mastering the Law of Attraction

The 3 things we all must do are Ask, Believe and Receive. We may want to do more as we find a greater path, but these 3 things are foundational to the Law of Attraction.