The Recovery Guy Blog

Robert shares varied concepts and approaches to understanding behavior that diverts us from our healthy desire to become well. We delve into social and medical aspects.

One Thing

One Thing

When I first came to recovery I was told that I only had to change ONE thing. Not too bad, right. ONE thing. Who can’t change ONE thing? So, I asked what that ONE thing was and they told me that ONE thing was EVERYTHING!

Saving is Saving

Saving is Saving

Sometimes saving others looks a lot like saving yourself. I will never forget reading an Al-Anon piece of literature that said, “My mom saved us when she saved herself.”

Self Care

Self Care

When we’re in a better place, we can be a better wife, mother, husband, co-worker, or friend, and person at large. Depending upon what your personal access is will determine what you can do in pursuing self-care.

Nature vs. Nurture; Let the Battle Begin

Nature vs. Nurture; Let the Battle Begin

“…does changing my nurturing environment overcome the pre-disposition of nature. If nature is the dominant contributor at what point do I take responsibility for being or not being a particular way?”

Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

Healthy relating leads to healthy relationships. Sharing who we are and knowing who others are can produce healthy relationships.

Becoming The Best

Becoming The Best

I heard an On Purpose podcast with Liza Koshy and it was entitled Becoming the Person You Should Have Been. Please listen. I think it will resonate with you. As a springboard, I thought I would share my thoughts regarding something in common to that amazing conversation between Jay and Liza.

Attitude is a Choice

Attitude is a Choice

I must understand that there were things outside of me personally, professionally, physically, spiritually and things involving the universe at large.

Essentials of Recovery

Essentials of Recovery

It is not easy to set aside our fear of saying I don’t know and adopting things and concepts that are foreign to us. I believe these are things that we MUST agree to if we expect a full and complete recovery from the ravages of addiction. We must never hold back from the teaching/instruction that has helped and guided millions of people.