We all need someone to support us

Those of us in recovery understand that prior to our newfound self-awareness, there were 3 people we were primarily concerned with taking care of. Those 3 people were Me, Myself, and I. Have you ever heard the adage, there are 2 people I trust, that’s you and me and I‘m not too sure about you? The likelihood of us admitting prior to saying we need to change or reaching out for help was slim. We didn’t want to be found out as one with some or all our life out of control. Yet, there we were. We knew that minimizing, rationalizing, and or denying our problem was only digging our hole deeper. We had to move from that position of selfishness and centeredness. We realized that to go From Broken to Whole we needed to build relationships in our life that would be representative of the changes we needed to make. This is where the title of today’s podcast comes in. Who’s in Your 5 is a way for us to further understand the value people, places and things can bring.

Having said that, Who’s in your 5? Do you have an ordered list that you regularly rely on to give you the support, encouragement, and direction you need to be the best possible version of yourself?

I will share my list with you, along with, what they do for me and I do for them. Every healthy relationship requires a give and take for it to function effectively and efficiently.

  1. God, as you understand God
  2. Path of recovery
  3. Significant other
  4. Family
  5. Others

Living, interacting and being accountable to these 5 relationships every day helps give me the direction I need and want. They also serve to give me the personal fulfillment of things I want to be done for me, but more importantly what I can do for others. HTTP://recoveryguy.org

Robert is the Recovery Guy. Getting clean and sober on April 25, 1986 has given me the insight and practical skill set to not only stay sober, but to also re-invent myself to the person I always wanted to become. Showing others how to do this is my life goal.

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