Episode #80 – Friday The Checkup: Re-introduction
Thank you so much for tuning in to today’s podcast. Today we’re taking a little look back from six months ago when JJ and I first launched Recovery Guy podcast. This podcast is entitled “Introduction to Recovery Guy” and it gives you information about me that you may...
Episode #79 – Tuesday The Fix: Limited No More
Limited No More is a podcast designed to free us of our practical and verbal limitations that have kept us from trying things we would otherwise be able to do. What does all this mean and how does it relate to those of us looking to become well or deepen with recovery...
Episode #78 – Friday The Checkup: Power Words of Personal Power
Words we say to ourselves and ultimately to others can set the tone for any power we begin to achieve. We know that negative self-talk keeps us in bondage. Conversely power words can add to our personal power. Maybe you have your own words or maybe you have never...
Episode #77 – Tuesday The Fix: Significance of Others
“Everybody has goals and desires that are different, but we have the same needs.”
The desire to feel significant or important is one of the most sought after human needs “Let’s talk about one of the most sought after human needs: The need for significance. There’s not a person alive on the planet who doesn’t want to feel important or needed. Why is feeling special such a compelling force? Why does feeling insignificant make us feel so devastated? Once you understand why you’re driven to feel significant to those around you, you can better interpret your own actions and use this desire to help you work toward your goals”. – Tony Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/personal-growth/need-for-significance/
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How do others play a vital role in this need?
They provide an avenue to demonstrate my caring
Validate my feelings by Reciprocating my regard toward them
Help me complete or fulfill my social need(s)
Help me go through challenges in my life
Someone to celebrate the victories and accomplishment
Provide measurement for my personal progress
Sharpen my saw by challenging me
Present me new ideas