Episode #71 – Tuesday The Fix: A visit with Steve M

Episode #71 – Tuesday The Fix: A visit with Steve M

Welcome to Recovery Guy Podcast. This episode is called “A visit with Steve M”. Steve was one of those amazing people who was already living the road to recovery when I arrived at Alcoholics Anonymous back in 1986. Not only was Steve extremely instrumental in my personal recovery, but to this day I still am encouraged by his love and care he provided for me early on. Steve decided to devote his entire life to serving others and it is no surprise to this day he is still living the recovered life. I hope you enjoy listening to Steve as much as I did spending time with him. I can honestly say that God used him to help encourage me in my early days of recovery. Seeing him, still involved in service, encourages me in my later years as well. Thank you for listening to Recovery Guy Podcast and visiting Recoveryguy.org Also, don’t forget to go to patreon.com/recoveryguy to see how you can become even more involved in Recovery Guy Podcast and Recovery Guy Movement.

Episode #70 – Thursday The Checkup: Appreciate The Moment

Episode #70 – Thursday The Checkup: Appreciate The Moment

Appreciate The Moment; I Owe It To Myself
This podcast helps us understand why it is so important to realize the moment we are in and appreciate it to our greatest ability. So often we don’t realize the moment we have been given and our opportunity passes as the moment passes. Our responsibility to ourselves is to capture each moment and appreciate it as if it is the only moment that we have left. We owe it to our self to realize where we come from and what were able to accomplish in this life. Please click on the link below to listen to Julianne Hough‘s podcast. You will be glad that you did. Thank you for listening and supporting Recovery Guy podcast. 

Episode #69 – Tuesday The Fix: My View of Me and the Power It Has

Episode #69 – Tuesday The Fix: My View of Me and the Power It Has

“My View of Me and the Power It Has” is a conversation regarding how important our self image is. In this podcast I underscore how we sink to the bottom of how we view ourselves and how we MUST begin viewing ourselves differently if we are ever to become well. This podcast was taken from Quote of the Day guest speaker Marissa Peer and her talk entitled “I am Enough”. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-quote-of-the-day-show-daily-motivational-talks/id1163094296?i=1000460048387 I also give a list of the ”MUSTS” in our life if we are to turn our life around and begin developing and maintaining a view of ourselves that promote wellness. I hope you enjoy the content and reach out to me if there is ever anything I can do to assist you on your journey. 

Episode #68 – Thursday The Checkup: Forgiveness and Freedom Go Hand in Hand

Episode #68 – Thursday The Checkup: Forgiveness and Freedom Go Hand in Hand

Today’s podcast is a journey and an introduction into 2020. I am looking forward to this next decade and I hope you are as well. Forgiveness and freedom are so reliant upon each other. So often people are wondering why they are in bondage and why they aren’t seeing freedom in areas of their life that are important to them. My initial response is to ask where is the block? Is there an area of your life where you have not allowed forgiveness to be expressed that you can overcome the bondage that exists went forgiveness is not extended period. Please explore areas in your life where maybe you’re holding on to something that you thought was insignificant and yet forgiveness needs to be extended for you to feel the freedom that you hope to feel in your recovery.