Episode #76 – Friday The Checkup: Loyalty

Episode #76 – Friday The Checkup: Loyalty

Loyalty is foundational to our personal recovery initially and moving forward. Loyalty is considered to be one of the five core values of who we are as a person. Loyalty is a gateway to our internal transformation that allows us to become the person we have always wanted to become. Without loyalty, we are missing a key ingredient to the change that needs to occur. We become increasingly loyal one step at a time. Loyalty leads to so many things in our life that have eluded us when we were not loyal.
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“This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” ~William Shakespeare
We can trust ourselves so we learn to trust others
We become predictable
We become more approachable by those we want to approach us
We develop a like for who we are
We deepen our regard toward others
We rest better
We enjoy life without waiting for the other shoe to drop
We spend more time appreciating the important things in life because we set aside things that aren’t important

Episode #75 – Tuesday The Fix: The Cornerstone of Faith

Episode #75 – Tuesday The Fix: The Cornerstone of Faith

Faith is so vital to our recovery. Without faith, we will never be free of the bondage that our addiction gripped us with for so many years. We lost so much because our faith was weak and for many of us became non-existent. I hope this podcast and the content below challenge, inspire and grows in ways you have been hoping for.
Please support our Recovery Guy Movement
Lauren Hernandez of Purdue University May 22, 2018
Faith is a universal human experience- something that touches us all.
Faith can provide inner strength
Faith teaches you to give back and serve the less fortunate
Faith allows you to be selfless and put others first
Faith can help you to discover your purpose in life
Faith helps you overcome stress, anxiety, and fear
Faith can be the pathway to finding solutions.
Faith gives you a sense of hope
Faith is a source of peace and joy
Faith will help you get through the trials of life
Faith can make you a better person

Episode #74 – Friday The Checkup: The Power of the Celebration

Episode #74 – Friday The Checkup: The Power of the Celebration

This podcast is designed to encourage you through uncovering and enlarging your celebration for the recovery and the wellness you have been given. Regardless of our length of recovery, we have something to celebrate. If for no other reason, we can celebrate that today it is not necessary for us to die. As we continue to grow in our recovery the things that we are being restored to and the things that are being restored to gives us even more reason to celebrate. Find out what is most important to you in terms of what you can celebrate and ultimately find the power that it lends you as part of that celebration. I am sure it won’t take you long to understand the reasons that you have to celebrate. Please continue to comment, share, and subscribe to this podcast. Also, go to patreon.com/Recovery Guy to join our recovery movement.

Episode #73 – Tuesday The Fix: Things We Discover Along The Way

“Things We Discover Along The Way”
This podcast is designed to open up our vision so we can take in all things to evaluate. There is so much around us to learn from. From music to movies, to audio instruction, nature, and written word. Etc. Whether or not a revelation is all around us is already been decided by God. What we do with it depends on us. I have been so blessed to learn and to teach from the many messages I receive. This podcast explores many of those things while focusing on one I saw this last weekend. I have added it down below. Also, please go to patreon.com/recoveryguy to further support Recovery Guy Podcast and our Recovery Mission.
“Four things you can’t recover from”
The Stone after the throw
The Word after’s it said
The Occasion after it’s missed
The Time after it’s gone

Episode #72 – Friday The Checkup: Healing Hurts

Hello and welcome to Recovery Guy Podcast. I really appreciate you joining us today. Today’s topic is “healing hurts“. So often we go through life and we are hoping to heal past hurts that we have created for ourselves on a personal level and hurts we caused others on an inner personal level. Both of these needs to be addressed and healing hurts will likely be a part of our journey for the rest of our lives. It does not mean that we don’t overcome challenges or the pain/hurt that healing can cause, I just believe that there’s always more healing that can be done. I give examples in this podcast. I share a conversation that I had with my daughter Carol. I am grateful for the insight that she gave me regarding our healing journey together. I hope this podcast encourages you and I hope that you join us in our recovery movement as we look to get well one day at a time for the rest of our lives. Please go to Patreon.com/RecoveryGuy and see how you can further support our mission.