Episode #59 – Thursday The Checkup: Keeping Family

Keeping family is something we need to do early on in recovery. In my journey of recovery I have found that keeping family helps sustain me as I have continued to grow. And I gain more insight into my recovery the more capable I feel as a member of the my family. The more capable I feel within the more capable I will feel. Family provides a core strength that helps me understand how valuable I am. It is not enough to find family it is in keeping family that sustains me for years to come. 

Episode #57 – Thursday The Checkup: Accountability

Accountability is one of the most important aspects of recovery. My lack of accountability prolonged and deepened my addiction and negative behavior all my parentAccountability is one of the most important aspects of recovery. My lack of accountability prolonged and deep and my addiction and negative behavior. Until I was willing to submit myself to the accountability of others who were not only in authority over me, but had a way for me to go what I’d be open to a plan of Recovery that I had to potential for me to become well. To the degree and depth of my accountability is the degree and depth of my recovery. I cannot have one without the other.

Episode #56 – Tuesday The Fix: Recovery Solutions

Finding a proven recovery pathway is the most difficult thing we do. The likelihood is we don’t have the clarity or experience to select something that fits us. Having said that most anything we do would be better than what we have been doing. We must have a plan of recovery to recovery.  

Episode #55 – Thursday The Checkup: Scott B part 2

In part two of the Scott Brickner interviews we discuss his early days of recovery, when he came to believe that personal service was the cornerstones of his lifelong journey. We also discussed the nation of Welcome Home Sober Living and how that speaks to the recovery community and what he hopes to do in the future for the reIn part two of the Scott Brickner interviews we discuss is early days of recovery, when he came to believe that personal service was the cornerstones of his lifelong journey. We also discussed the formation of Welcome Home Sober Living and how old that speaks to the recovery community and what he hopes to do in the future with this ministry.