The Recovery Guy Blog

Blog #140 The Great Exchange

Blog #140 The Great Exchange

This approach is, what I call, The Exchange Theory of Recovery. In this Great Exchange, what we are doing is understanding the need to remove negative past thoughts, experiences, or people by exchanging them with something/someone more in line with the positive path we are choosing.

Blog #139 Making Amends as Directed; Step 9 in Action

Blog #139 Making Amends as Directed; Step 9 in Action

So much of Step 9 is more than just an apology. It is about moving forward differently. Many of the amends I needed to make were living amends. Yes, there were direct amends I needed to make, to myself, my children, my mother, and a few close friends.

Blog #138 The Connection Between OCD and Alcoholism

Blog #138 The Connection Between OCD and Alcoholism

In simple terms, obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations/ obsessions that make them feel driven to do something repetitively and compulsively. OCD is common, chronic and a long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts/ obsessions and or behaviors/ compulsions that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. This defined me perfectly. It was my trap that I thought I was going to die in.

Blog #137 Gratitude

Blog #137 Gratitude

The importance of becoming grateful is far greater than most of us can appreciate especially when we are new to or resisting recovery. In the beginning, we are often too angry, frustrated, or confused to recognize how vital gratitude is in our lives.

Blog #136 Fear vs Faith Part II

Blog #136 Fear vs Faith Part II

Without faith, we would never become who we are designed to become. Faith is fuel to the power that we will need to breakthrough our negative lifestyle into a life of victory and personal accomplishment. One of the things that I have found in my personal journey, is my personal faith serves to encourage others.

Blog #135 Step 8: Making Amends is Part of Healing

Blog #135 Step 8: Making Amends is Part of Healing

hose of us who find ourselves in the program of Al-Anon have often lived with either a  distorted, self-righteous view of ourselves—that all the pain suffered was the result of someone else’s choices or behaviors, or the opposite—that some of us have an unwarranted sense of responsibility for our role in the difficulties and pain in our family. Neither is an entirely accurate view of reality. If we were honest with ourselves, even if we had the purest of intentions,  sometimes our reactions to alcoholism hurt those in our lives.

Daily Affirmation

Daily Affirmation

It is hard to have a positive assertion or a personal affirmation when we are inundated with so much negativity.

The Four Dimensions

The Four Dimensions

As a Person of Recovery and a former obese person I understood how neglecting my body can cause such great present and even future damage. The emotional dimension is often based on who I see in the mirror.

The Four Dimensions

The Four Dimensions

Once I then add the spiritual as an essential influence to my view of me things begin to become even more distorted. Since the spiritual is intangible and therefore can’t see it, the likelihood of that perspective overriding the other three is near impossible.

Meditation is like Breath

As vital as meditation is it is, unfortunately, involuntary. there is no involuntary characteristic to it. there is no spiritual or otherwise fire alarm that automatically kicks in when we need it. meditation only occurs when I decide to meditate.

Building a Positive Self-Image

Building a Positive Self-Image

When I value my skills and talents, respect my own intelligence then I can act on my beliefs and feelings. The key is to feel better about me.

Follow the Path

Follow the Path

Therefore, we must set ourselves on a proven path and follow this path as religiously as we drank alcohol and or used drugs. Without this degree of diligence, we will revert to the destructive path that the least resistance brings to us.