As I grew in my personal recovery so did my desire to become “normal.” When we consider the word normal and set it side by side with the word sober, they seem to go hand in hand.
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #208 Tuesday- The Fix: Accountability
Accountability simply means that I am subject to the obligation to report, explain or justify something. It means I am answerable. Once again for things that are outside of me that are part of what I do not who I am this is rather easy to do because it’s not personal. So many of us are answerable or we have an obligation to fulfill a particular commitment or process regarding our work.
Episode #207- Tuesday The Fix- Surrender to Win
I was willing to do anything to have what they had and to become what I saw them becoming. Surrender to win was the path I decided. I hope you decide on this path as well.
Episode #206- Friday The Check Up- Forever Home
We are NEVER alone anymore. This is what recovery offers us. So, when you choose what recovery path choose wisely. Choose a plan that gives you back to power to choose to wear your shell on your back. A path that has a provision to stay recovered for the rest of your life. A path that doesn’t require me to look backward at my past (except when helping someone). When we do this, we can live the absolute that our recovery is a journey for our lifetime. Here are 3 things I must do to ensure this is true for me.
Stay grounded in the truth that set me free
Be open to adding new elements to my plan
Pray for and assist others along the way
Doing these things will add to the absolute position I decided to take. Thanks for listening and be blessed.
Episode #205 Tuesday The Fix: Being an Exceptional Being
When we first arrive in recovery we are questioning many things. We are questioning if we’re making the right decision. We are questioning will this work for me. We are questioning if follow through with the path we decided to try.
Episode #204 Friday- The Checkup: Healthy Relating Leads to Healthy Relationships
In order to give freely we must first take down the walls of personal secrecy and begin to share who we are and not judge what we learn about others. As a word of caution, let me say with some things we may need to be careful to whom and what we disclose, but for the most part we should feel free to “share our experience, strength and hope with each other”.
Episode #203- Tuesday The Fix: “On a Mission to Serve” Charlie from The Way Out Podcast
On today’s show, I have Charlie from The Way Out Podcast. Charlie and I discuss our personal recovery. We dig deep into our common desire to assist others along the way. I hope you enjoy today’s program. If you want to reach out to Charlie you can do so by emailing him. His email address is You can also find his podcasts on major podcast channels as The Way Out Podcast.
Episode #202 Friday The Check Up- Coming to Terms
Before we adopt or reject a term, let us find out what it means for us and whether it adds to our life. Others may reject it because of their own inadequacies, and they want us co-sign. Do not let others limit who we want to become.
Episode #201 -Tuesday The Fix – Helping Hands
This podcast is centered around co-dependency and how addiction is a family disease. Regardless of whether or not the addict seeks help and finds recovery the SO and other family members must. Suzy shares her story of this battle to victory.
Episode #200 -Friday The Check Up- Reaching Out
Today we are having a conversation with Corey W of 217 recovery. Corey is a great advocate of recovery and wellness and has dedicated his time in recovery to helping others recover as well. Corey has found by sharing his story of hope and wellness he has encouraged others to seek a better way of living. Corey serves his community in various area and is continuing to look for more opportunities
You can reach Corey and his mission by going to
Episode #199- Tuesday The Fix: Letting Go of Needless Suffering
Early on in my sobriety, I had a friend who would not let go of a particular feeling of being wronged. She suffered daily, over the course of 2-3 weeks. Gradually she stopped going to meetings and stopped coming to the Alano Club. I remember learning one Friday night that she was out with some “old playmates”. I tried to speak with my friend, but she did not want to hear all the reasons she had to be grateful. She seemed to prefer the needless suffering over something out of her control. I finally said to her, “maybe you should go get drunk.” Do you know what? That was the only advice she was willing to take. Fortunately, she came to her senses in a couple of days and was able to make it back to AA. To my knowledge, she is sober to this very day. She was one of the lucky of the lucky ones
Episode #198 -Friday The Checkup – I am Responsible
I am Responsible
Responsible is a word that only responsible people want to accept. I know that sounds simplistic in its presentation, and it is meant to be. Those who are irresponsible have made an active choice to not accept what their role is in the things that occur to them. More specifically, in addiction, the individual who is addicted is the person responsible for their addiction. Until I am willing to realize I am my own worst enemy I will not recover. If I do have a period of sobriety, more often than not, it will be shallow and short lived. That has been my experience. You can disagree if you like but that would likely mean you are not being responsible.