The Recovery Guy Podcast

Episode #47 – Thursday The Checkup: ODAAT for the Rest of Your Life

This podcast looks at the importance of keeping everything relevant to the day. We also take a look at the courage to step out into tomorrow and to not be hung up on today. So often we are afraid to look at tomorrow because it’s too far out ahead of where our mind can go. That should be the rule and really the exception in recovery. Once we get past the initial recovery we should be able to move through and beginning the life of a person who is not afraid to plan while maintaining their position. The program of recovery is a program that is to be lived one day at a time for the rest of our lives. I hope you see it that way, but if not please reach out to me that I might be assistance.

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Episode #46 – Monday The Fix: None of my Business

Have you ever heard the Phrase “your opinion of me is none of my business“. As people new to Recovery, we are a people who were always trying to measure up to others.  We spent our time worrying about their opinion and we try to own it as if it was our opinion.

For various reasons, we felt their acceptance was based on what we did not who we were. Because we had such a low self-esteem we never thought people would care for us because of who we were. 
This type of thinking created an even greater lack of self-esteem because we believed no matter what we did we would never meet their expectations.
So much of personal recovery is based on understanding our value because of who we are not what we do. 
As we learn more about ourselves we learned that our personal value is greater than anything we could ever do as we learn more about ourselves we learn that our personal value is greater than anything we could ever do. 
This podcast addresses just that and we are given six steps in learning how to overcome that personal viewpoint that others may have of us.
We cannot spend our time worrying about other peoples opinions because we can never please everyone all the time.
I hope you find this approach to your wellness as a help in understanding that other peoples opinion of us is really none of our business.
The only thing we can really own is our personal view of ourselves and the behavior that is based upon that. 

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Episode #45 -Thursday The Checkup: Three agents of change

Welcome to the Recovery Guy Podcast of Thursday’s Check Up. In this episode we look at and discuss what I call “Three Agents Of Change”. 
Each one of these agents works independently of one another yet or necessary to be combined as the foundation that we would build a recovery from. We look at the need to understand our lack of power. We then need to understand how that lack of power has led to our unmanageability. Finally, we must admit that something needs to be done for our life to move forward to our goal of recovery. 

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Episode #44 – Monday The Fix: The Power of H.O.W.

Most of us come to the decision of recovery or wellness out of need rather than want. Because of that, we aren’t as willing or open as we ought to be. Most of the things we agree with are due to a previous agreement or aspect of living. This works against us because we tend to agree with things that got us to this condition in the first place. Until we break free of the old behaviors and thoughts in favor of  new ways we will not be successful.
This is where setting aside all old ways and ideas comes into play. However, we can’t merely let go of the old. We are too conditioned. The way to push out the old is to introduce the new. This is where The Power of H.O.W. comes into play.
H.O.W. stands for Honesty, Open Mindedness and Willingness. Until we fully embrace these three aspects the likelihood is that we will never recover. We might have some brief successes, but long term changes will evade us. Sooner or later, we will slip back into our old ways and subsequently we will go back to the old behaviors.
We MUST become Honest, Open Minded and Willing if we are to stand any chance of lifelong wellness. This podcast addresses H.O.W. one point at a time and ties them all together to make a cohesive design to recovery and wellness.

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Episode #43 – Thursday The Checkup: Becoming the Best version of you

Today’s Check Up is entitled “Becoming The Best Version Of You”. In this version we discuss the reasons for self and others that we go down this path. Becoming the best version of who we are allows us to enjoy life greater and to a deeper sense. So, it is not only for the temporary it builds on our future satisfaction. 
When it comes to becoming the best version of ourselves with respect to others is when we can have the greatest impact. When we become this version of ourselves and we receive the personal satisfaction of knowing what we have accomplished and then to have that self appreciated by those we help along the way is even a greater reward.
I know for some people this can be a challenge and this is why I’ve created six simple steps yet all of us are capable of understanding, implementing and being successful in. If we do not do these or take the steps it is because we either don’t feel a responsibility to her self or to others, or we just gotten lost along the way.
Either way, to not become the best version of ourselves is to deny the reason for our very existence. This podcast is designed to help you along the way. I hope you find the need, the desire and the energy to take this journey with us.

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Episode #42 – Monday The Fix: Making a difference

Today’s podcast is dedicated to those who have yet to feel complete or whole. There’s so many people who start their day wondering if they matter or if they make a difference.I so remember being that person. In my addiction and early in my recovery, I wondered if I would ever feel as a person of value. It was very discouraging and often very difficult to get through a day. It wasn’t a matter of whether or not I was going to drink or use it was a matter of if that feeling of emptiness would leave me and be replaced with the feeling of value.For those of us who have recovered and gone through that phase of our recovery we completely understand what it’s like to be on both sides of the issue. We know what it’s like to be grateful that others came into our life to help us understand our value and our purpose.Now as a person who has been become whole, it is my opportunity and yours to help those who have yet to feel that and help them to understand their value. Let’s make a difference in the life of other people and as my dear friend and mentor Damen Willis says “let’s leave everyone better than we found them“. Thank you for listening to the podcast and also visiting

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Episode #41 – Thursday The Checkup: Chaz part 2

This episode is part two of my interview with Chaz. In this segment, we discuss his Life since he entered into recovery December 26 of 2016. Chaz walks us through his realization that he could not live addicted anymore and his final decision to enter into treatment. Chaz further goes on to discuss his life as a person of recovery and the things that he does to help ensure his recovery 0DAAT. Thank you for listening. Please continue to listen, subscribe, comment and share. Please refer to for video segments on recovery and overall wellness.

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Episode #40 – Special Q&A: Chaz Part 1

In this episode I introduce you to a person named Chaz. Chaz is a person of Recovery who shares his story in a way that will be compelling and encouraging. We will be covering Chaz his life and what led up to his using and when he knew it was time to change something or life would take a downward spiral. Thank you so much for listening and please continue to subscribe, comment, and share. Also visit my

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Episode #39 – Monday The Fix: The Re-Introduction

In this episode I take you back to the August 2 launch of Recovery Guy podcast. Since we had so many new listeners since we have launched I thought it would be a great opportunity to reacquaint those who already listened and introduce myself to those who picked up further on. I want to share a little bit of my story with you so you can have an opportunity to relate more to my experience, strength and my hope. Thank you so much for listening and I hope I continue to encourage you as you pursue your personal recovery.

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Episode #38 – Thursday The Checkup: Social Media Recovery and Accountability.

Social Media Recovery and Accountability.
This episode raises and addresses my concerns over using Social Media as the foundation of recovery, rather then a supplement.
The biggest concern I have is that using social media as a primary platform can leave one without much or any accountability.
One of the greatest advantages a person of recovery (especially new or relatively new) is to relay on a person(s) that they can have a face-to-face conversation with and have a higher degree of accountability.
When there is little to no accountability, such as social media, the person then can more easily rely on the thinking that got them in the condition they are in and reject anything that would cause them to challenge their thinking.
I lay out a couple very good resources from and also Please check out these resources and come to your own conclusion.
Thank you for joining me on the Recovery Guy podcast

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Episode #37 – Monday The Fix: Look to this day

Look to this day
Today’s podcast is entitled “Look To This Day”. I read an IG post that said “When you feel like quitting think about why you started”. This is a great topic. Who hasn’t questioned themselves? Who hasn’t wondered if they could do it or if there was worthwhile payoff they thought was waiting for them?
It is so important to understand why we started in the first place and the value of each day that we live. How each day can have its own power that we can be fuel us.
I present, breakdown and explore the Sanskrit Poem that so embodies the reasons why TODAY has such value. This poem points out all today can bring us. It explores and points out how today brings a sweet memory of yesterday and can be the reason we look forward to tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I did recording it. Please visit my website at and use any of the video segments and information that is there for you. All of my content is free.
Please listen, subscribe, comment and share Recovery Guy Podcast. I hope to hear from you,

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Episode #36 – Thursday The Checkup: Freedom and Healing go hand in hand

Freedom and Healing go hand in hand.
This Recovery Guy podcast is for everyone, regardless of your background. Everyone, at one time in their life or another (even for those of us who are well) need to examine our freedom and how we are healing. There is a direct connection between being healed and personal freedom. In this podcast I explore the four dimensions of life and their connection to freedom and healing. The 4 dimensions of life are as follows; the physical, mental, the emotional and spiritual. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to comment, subscribe, and of course share.

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