Keeping family is something we need to do early on in recovery. In my journey of recovery I have found that keeping family helps sustain me as I have continued to grow. And I gain more insight into my recovery the more capable I feel as a member of the my family. The more capable I feel within the more capable I will feel. Family provides a core strength that helps me understand how valuable I am. It is not enough to find family it is in keeping family that sustains me for years to come.
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #58 – Tuesday The Fix: Finding Family
Today’s podcast is dedicated to those of us who lost the most important aspect of our life. To go from losing family, to finding a new family and then being able to reestablish the connection with your biological family is a blessing I hope everyone can experience.
Episode #57 – Thursday The Checkup: Accountability
Accountability is one of the most important aspects of recovery. My lack of accountability prolonged and deepened my addiction and negative behavior all my parentAccountability is one of the most important aspects of recovery. My lack of accountability prolonged and deep and my addiction and negative behavior. Until I was willing to submit myself to the accountability of others who were not only in authority over me, but had a way for me to go what I’d be open to a plan of Recovery that I had to potential for me to become well. To the degree and depth of my accountability is the degree and depth of my recovery. I cannot have one without the other.
Episode #56 – Tuesday The Fix: Recovery Solutions
Finding a proven recovery pathway is the most difficult thing we do. The likelihood is we don’t have the clarity or experience to select something that fits us. Having said that most anything we do would be better than what we have been doing. We must have a plan of recovery to recovery.
Episode #55 – Thursday The Checkup: Scott B part 2
In part two of the Scott Brickner interviews we discuss his early days of recovery, when he came to believe that personal service was the cornerstones of his lifelong journey. We also discussed the nation of Welcome Home Sober Living and how that speaks to the recovery community and what he hopes to do in the future for the reIn part two of the Scott Brickner interviews we discuss is early days of recovery, when he came to believe that personal service was the cornerstones of his lifelong journey. We also discussed the formation of Welcome Home Sober Living and how old that speaks to the recovery community and what he hopes to do in the future with this ministry.
Episode #54 – Tuesday The Fix: Scott B Part 1
I had an opportunity to sit down with Scot Brickner to discuss is recovery journey and his starting Welcome Home Sober Living In So. Cal. In part one Scott and I discuss where his recurring journey began and what led to him to believing that service was the most important thing he could do to help ensure his lifelong pursuit of personal recovery. Scott’s story is very compelling and with over 13 years of personal recovery it is obvious he has done what it takes the type of quality necessary to have the quantity.
Episode #53 – Thursday The Checkup: Sabotage of self
Sabotage of self is one of the most unnecessary yet common problems of people in recovery. We expect people who are on a destructive path to continue to sabotage their progress. They are already on a path and negative destruction and sabotage seems to be a part of their daily process. But what about those of us who are in recovery? What about those of us who are on a path to wellness and becoming whole. Why do we act as if we are the enemy as we are trying to be part of the solution. This podcast discusses just that. Please let me know what you think. Your contribution through your comments carries great value to me. I hope you can remove yourself from the sabotage yourself and get on a program that is consistent with the desire you have for your life. I wish you well.
Episode #52 – Tuesday The Fix: Pursuit of Happiness
Today’s podcast is all about making the pursuit of happiness our number one priority. This is not to look for isolated incidents that would give us temporary happiness, but rather a way of living that promotes happiness from the inside out. It is not that anything is wrong with isolated moments of happiness but we cannot let the external be predominant over the Internet. We must make an active decision on a daily to renew the happiness we strive to maintain.
Episode #51 – Thursday The Checkup: Give Yourself Time to Grow
This podcast explores how giving our self time to grow is the most fair thing we can do. It does not mean that we are lazy and we expect things to happen through osmosis. It just means that we are learning to be patient and not getting too far ahead of ourselves. Certain things in life can be accomplished easily and without much effort. Personal recovery is one of those things. We did not get sick overnight nor do well overnight.
Just as the Chinese bamboo tree takes five years before it breaks ground and grows we need time as well.
Episode #50 – Tuesday The Fix: Recovery After Coercion
Recovery after coercion is a concept that explores why people come into recovery and why they would ultimately stay. Coercion is a manipulation through arm twisting, duress, external pressure and threats of loss. Everyone I have ever met has come to recovery as a result of coercion. The ones that I have come to know as sticking around were ones that were able to translate for transition from coercion to the plan of recovery. Without this transition people will go backward once that coercion is removed. The people who remain and recover are those who can see that it’s not about getting back things it’s becoming a new person.
Episode #49 – Thursday The Checkup: Relapse
Relapse can be one of the most devastating things to occur in a persons life. In many cases it is worse than the original addiction or behavioral challenge in the first place. What makes Relapse so damaging is that it is not only going back to a normal behavior but one more time it is admitting defeat after a period of success. In this podcast we discuss relapse from the inside out. I first define what relapse is and how it takes hold. I look at the reasons why many people do relapse, the statistics of relapse and then I cover steps to help ensure against relapse.
Episode #48 – Tuesday The Fix: Letting Go
In this podcast, Robert explores the ins and outs of Letting Go and why it is essential to our overall wellness. Letting Go is a necessary step in becoming well and recovery. If we don’t learn to let go we will remain in bondage to areas that prevent us from moving forward. We will forever be stunted in our recovery or we will not have any at all. In the beginning, we let go because holding on has become far too painful. As we become more well we let go because of what we are moving to, not what we are moving from. As Gandhi stated “life is one indivisible whole”. Living in pain and pleasure, joy and despair, or hope and disappointment is only an illusion. Let’s learn to “Let Go and Let God”.