Welcome to Recovery Guy Podcast. This episode is called “A visit with Steve M”. Steve was one of those amazing people who was already living the road to recovery when I arrived at Alcoholics Anonymous back in 1986. Not only was Steve extremely instrumental in my personal recovery, but to this day I still am encouraged by his love and care he provided for me early on. Steve decided to devote his entire life to serving others and it is no surprise to this day he is still living the recovered life. I hope you enjoy listening to Steve as much as I did spending time with him. I can honestly say that God used him to help encourage me in my early days of recovery. Seeing him, still involved in service, encourages me in my later years as well. Thank you for listening to Recovery Guy Podcast and visiting Recoveryguy.org Also, don’t forget to go to patreon.com/recoveryguy to see how you can become even more involved in Recovery Guy Podcast and Recovery Guy Movement.
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #70 – Thursday The Checkup: Appreciate The Moment
Appreciate The Moment; I Owe It To Myself
This podcast helps us understand why it is so important to realize the moment we are in and appreciate it to our greatest ability. So often we don’t realize the moment we have been given and our opportunity passes as the moment passes. Our responsibility to ourselves is to capture each moment and appreciate it as if it is the only moment that we have left. We owe it to our self to realize where we come from and what were able to accomplish in this life. Please click on the link below to listen to Julianne Hough‘s podcast. You will be glad that you did. Thank you for listening and supporting Recovery Guy podcast.
Episode #69 – Tuesday The Fix: My View of Me and the Power It Has
“My View of Me and the Power It Has” is a conversation regarding how important our self image is. In this podcast I underscore how we sink to the bottom of how we view ourselves and how we MUST begin viewing ourselves differently if we are ever to become well. This podcast was taken from Quote of the Day guest speaker Marissa Peer and her talk entitled “I am Enough”. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-quote-of-the-day-show-daily-motivational-talks/id1163094296?i=1000460048387 I also give a list of the ”MUSTS” in our life if we are to turn our life around and begin developing and maintaining a view of ourselves that promote wellness. I hope you enjoy the content and reach out to me if there is ever anything I can do to assist you on your journey.
Episode #68 – Thursday The Checkup: Forgiveness and Freedom Go Hand in Hand
Today’s podcast is a journey and an introduction into 2020. I am looking forward to this next decade and I hope you are as well. Forgiveness and freedom are so reliant upon each other. So often people are wondering why they are in bondage and why they aren’t seeing freedom in areas of their life that are important to them. My initial response is to ask where is the block? Is there an area of your life where you have not allowed forgiveness to be expressed that you can overcome the bondage that exists went forgiveness is not extended period. Please explore areas in your life where maybe you’re holding on to something that you thought was insignificant and yet forgiveness needs to be extended for you to feel the freedom that you hope to feel in your recovery.
Episode #67 – Tuesday The Fix: Do you still hear the Bell
This podcast is designed to encourage and challenge those who listen. So often people of recovery lose their way. Many of those people go back to the destructive behavior that caused their life to be the Trainwreck that it became. I believe they do this because they lose the magic and as it says in polar express “though I’ve grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe”. Where is your magic? Does the bill still ring for you? Have you lost your belief? If this is true of you I invite you to go back and remember what it was like when you first were introduced to the miracle of recovery. I hope you once again hear the bell and re-join with the excitement in the energy that you were first introduced to as you pursued Recovery.
Episode #66 – Tuesday The Fix: 2020 Vision
2020 Vision for 2020 is designed to elevate and encourage you as we approach to the New Year. Looking inside and understanding who we are helps us makes sense of what we see. Once I have clarity it is easier to manage my life and live according to what I think.
Episode #65 – Friday The Checkup: Are We Responsible
Today’s podcast helps us understand our responsibility when it comes to others. Being responsible is not anymore than making sure that we are living the type of life that we need to live that would elevate our life that we would become an attractive resource for other people. We are our brothers keeper. We have a moral obligation to do the best we possibly can for our self so that when someone else needs our assistance especially in the area of recovery we are there to meet them. Are you responsible in your recovery? Are we preparing ourselves daily that when that person who needs us comes along we will be more than happy and able to assist them. Please listen to this podcast enjoying the recovery movement. Let’s make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible
Episode #64 – Tuesday The Fix: Are We Attractive
Are we attractive is a challenge for each and everyone of us. This podcast helps explore and examine the areas in which our life as people of recovery is not only attractive to others, but also charismatic to the people we would come across. Our recovery has to be so compelling and so magnetic and so fascinating to others that they will stick around long enough to hear our message we want them to see us as people who are so excited about our personal recovery that they Are we attractive is a challenge for each and everyone of us. This podcast helps explore and examine the areas in which our life as people of recovery is not only attractive to others, but also charismatic to the people we would come across. Our recovery has to be so compelling and so magnetic and so fascinating to others that they will stick around long enough to hear our message. We want them to see us as people who are so excited about our personal recovery that they want that same feeling and life as well. Is your recovery attractive? I hope that it is. I also hope that you are looking to grow in that degree of attractiveness. How we portray our own recovery will help determine if they want what we have.
Episode #63 – Thursday The Checkup: Words To Live By
As I have previously stated “So as man thinks in his heart so is he”. I believe this to be so powerful that words can shape us either way. As Tuesdays podcast indicated “the power of thinking“ guides us in so many different directions we don’t even understand. Personal confirmation will help reinforce a negative view or it will help solidify a positive view. If we are to live a healthy life it will be by our word choice in how we describe ourselves, our surroundings, our relationships and our life overall. Words to live by is an approach to permanent wellness.
Episode #62 – Tuesday The Fix: The power of Thinking
This podcast is designed to help shift our negative thinking and understand the power that thinking has over us. I will be sharing two sources that I think will help assist you with a meeting support information. The first link is where I originally heard of this talk by Dr. Joe Dispenza and the 2nd is the link to the talk it came from. I sincerely hope you use these links and my podcast to further develop your thinking that will help guide you into a more healthy way of living.
Sean Croxton, Quote of the Day
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s full talk
Episode #61 – Thursday The Checkup: Finding our way
Finding our way is an instruction designed to guide us through the journey of recovery. Somewhere along the line we lost our way in now finding our way back is a challenge for everyone of us. We can’t find her way and we can be successful along the journey. Not every path is going to work, but we need to find a path that will work for us. This podcast helps break down Finding Our Way is instruction designed to guide us through the journey of recovery. Somewhere along the line we lost our way and now finding our way back is a challenge for everyone of us. We can find our way and we can be successful along the journey. Not every path is going to work, but we need to find a path that will work for us. This podcast helps break down some the challenges while giving guidelines as how to succeed.
Episode #60 – Tuesday The Fix: Hope for the Holidays
Hope for the holidays is designed to help reshape the thinking of those who feel the holidays are difficult to get through. The holidays are only difficult to get through because we decided to hold on to something we don’t have then be grateful for what we do have. There are so many wonderful things that the holidays bring even though there are many things we are waiting for. Let us not focus on the things that we are waiting for, Hope for the holidays is designed to help her reach shape the thinking of those who feel the holidays are difficult to get through. The holidays are only difficult to get through because we decided to hold on to something we don’t have then be grateful for what we do have. There are so many wonderful things that the holidays bring even though there are many things we are waiting for. Let’s not focus on the things that we are waiting for, but rather appreciate the things we do have. I hope this podcast encourages you to let go of the things that diminish what you have and gravitate toward the things that you do have. As Shakespeare said “nothing is either good or bad. It is our thinking that makes it good or badI hope this podcast encourages you to let go of the things that diminish what you have in gravitate toward the things that you do have. As Shakespeare said “nothing is either good or bad. It is our thinking that makes it good or bad”. I hope you were just your thinking that what you do have is good.