So, let’s picture ourselves. If I blame someone for my past then they are responsible for my past. There is one main problem with that. If it’s someone else’s fault that I got where I ended up, do I need someone else to get where I want to go?
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #124 – Friday The Checkup: How to Let Go
letting go is one of the most challenging things we do. What is the connection between something that seems desirable yet challenging?
Episode #123 – Tuesday The Fix: Lifetime Recovery
“Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing and that is not why we are here.”
Episode #122 – Friday The Checkup: The Inescapable
Feelings are inescapable. We must deal with and process them so they don’t deal with and process us.
Episode #121 – Tuesday The Fix: Remove the Mask
The purpose of the mask is to conceal. It is not so much as to conceal who we are as it is how we feel about who we believe we are.
Episode #120 – Friday The Checkup: B Positive
One might say, If I knew what a synapse was I might be excited about it. I am glad you asked. “Synapses are the gaps between neurons. These gaps allow neurotransmitters to travel from one neuron to another.
Episode #119 – Tuesday The Fix: Who’s In Your 5?
Living, interacting and being accountable to these 5 relationships everyday helps give me the direction I need and want. They also serve to give me the personal fulfillment of things I want done for me, but more importantly what I can do for others.
Episode #118 – Friday The Checkup: The Search
Where are you at in your Search for the Lost Chord? Are you like the happy wanderer that feels if you find it, you find it? Or are you like so many of us that if you don’t find it you will disappear into further darkness or death?
Episode #117 – Tuesday The Fix: Reason to Celebrate
Before you and I came to recovery, it was not often or regular that we had reason to celebrate. Even when we did, it was usually short lived. After that, the reality of the direction our addiction was taking us brought us back to earth.
Episode #116 – Friday The Checkup: Deadly Silence
When we walk in this light and freedom we become convinced that going back is never an option.
Episode #115 – Tuesday The Fix: Steps of Change
When we accept our need to become well and want to incorporate the Steps to Change we will grow and become the best possible version of ourselves.
Episode #114 – Friday The Checkup: Acceptance
And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment