We can define our progress by the milestones of life.
The Recovery Guy Podcast
Episode #153 – Tuesday The Fix: Building Blocks of Recovery
Often, building blocks or simple yet, when combined properly can create something more complex. Just like protein, our recovery and new way of living require building blocks.
Episode #152 – Friday The Checkup: Grow Instead Of Go
Even though it is not realistic of not reaching perfection, shouldn’t be my reason for not striving toward that ideal. I have previously stated, that the higher I realistically raise the bar the more I will accomplish.
Episode #151 – Tuesday The Fix: Not All Searches Net Results
We can hear what we want to hear or not here thoroughly and end up searching in the wrong place. It is only when we look in the right place that the answer is right in front of us. Zig Ziglar said “Do not mistake activity for accomplishment.”
Episode #150 – Friday The Checkup: Personal Identity Matters
If there’s anything that I have learned in my recovery it is how I personally identify. I believe that self-talk is the most powerful talk on the planet.
Episode #149 – Tuesday The Fix: Why DO when you can BE
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
Episode #148 – Friday The Checkup: No Risk No Reward
I must remain hungry. I must be willing to risk if I am to find reward. Risk does not come without its concern and that is the connection to courage.
Episode #147 – Tuesday The Fix: Just Stay
We come into recovery and every life-changing opportunity with one common challenge. Regardless of what we are looking to grow in and overcome this one challenge is a constant. This one thing we all must do is “Just Stay”. Since we did not get to our current condition overnight we aren’t going to get to where we want to go overnight. Since there is no quick fix the ability to remain is as powerful as anything that we would do while we remain. They live dependent upon each other. Whether or not you “Just Stay” will likely determine if you get well.
Episode #146 – Friday The Checkup: Words to Live By Part 2
“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”
Episode #145 – Tuesday The Fix: Death by Terminal Uniqueness
why is it so many are relapsing or dying before they ever recover? We live this life of self-isolation and despair. You have heard me mention before, “The Hole of No Hope”. Do you know what a rut is? A rut is grave with both ends kicked out. If we don’t get out of it, we die there.
Episode #144 – Friday The Checkup: Are You Teachable
Being teachable is the prerequisite for learning anything. If I am not teachable in an overall perspective or in a specific area I wouldn’t find it necessary to be taught anything. With that, being teachable is to learning what air is to breathing.
Episode #143 – Tuesday The Fix: I Don’t Know How to Live
Not knowing how to live kills more people of addiction then I care to count.