The Recovery Guy Podcast

Episode #137 – Tuesday The Fix: When We Build It, It Will Come

Episode #137 – Tuesday The Fix: When We Build It, It Will Come

Are you building your recovery or are you merely stopped drinking, using or engaging in negative behavior? Here is why this question is so important. For many years, you and lived in a negative life of despair we built. If we don’t build a new house/recovery to live in, we stand a good chance of going back to the old house.

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Episode #136 – Friday The Checkup: Personal Paradigms

Episode #136 – Friday The Checkup: Personal Paradigms

Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison. Well, then it isn’t one to you, since nothing is really good or bad in itself—it’s all what a person thinks about it.

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Episode #134 – Friday The Checkup: We Not Me

Episode #134 – Friday The Checkup: We Not Me

Prior to my life changing involvement with AA, I was one of the most self-centered people on the planet. I quickly learned that taking and applying the 12 Steps of Recovery would require me to move from Me to We.

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Episode #131 – Tuesday The Fix: Salt Lake City Alano Club

Episode #131 – Tuesday The Fix: Salt Lake City Alano Club

Today’s podcast is from a speaking event on Saturday, August 15, 2020. I was the keynote speaker at the “Old Timers” meeting at the Salt Lake City, Utah Alano Club. I share my story of my personal recovery and my understanding of what the 12 steps of recovery has to offer those willing to work for it.

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